For that purpose, the degree of restoration of the liver plays a decisive role. Immunity does not mean here that the body is protected against a special bacterium as in an infectious disease, it means that no abnormal cell can grow or develop in the body with normal metabolism. Secondly, the entire intestinal tract has to be restored simultaneously with the restoration of the intestinal tract, the most important secretory functions will be repaired, as well as its circulation and motility regulated by the visceral nervous system. The first component is the detoxication of the whole body which has to be carried out over a long period of time, until all the tumors are absorbed and the essential organs of the body are so far restored that they can take over this important “cleaning function” by themselves. Max Gerson claims, in A Cancer Therapy, that for a cancer therapy to be successful, it must fulfill two fundamental components: (Originally published in 1994, and updated since.)